Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Killzone 3 Review from a Killzone fan(A month later) 6.5 out of 10

I am a killzone fan. I did enjoy the first one and got addicted to killzone 2. I played and still own the game because I could pop it in at anytime. You can imagine mine and the community excitement with all the beta testing and news of Killzone 3. I have seen it evolve and I truly love how Guerilla Games listened to the community during killzone 2. This is why I have waited to give my thoughts on Killzone 3. It has been a month now and I feel I can be honest. First thing I'll get out right away, the menu screens are absolutely atrocious. I can not justify why they did this. With that stated, that doesn't make a game.

First off, the campaign and story are top notch. It's a bit shorter than I expected. However, with all the gorgeous set pieces and kick ass action I loved it. Sometimes the A.I. Did feel weaker in KZ3 versus Killzone 3. However, there was no frustrating moments on Elite as there was in KZ2. I must say though to platinum this one is much less of a challenge. I am addressing this review to fans of the series. The campaign is a brilliant addition to the world we know. The story was great and it is truly a blast to play through.

The graphics in the campaign are superior to any shooter I can think of. The only contender I know of currently is Crysis 2. There will be more on that to come though. A lot of gamers complained about the dark, gritty look of Helghan in killlzone 2. They have addressed this and gave us a much broader view into the planet. You have gorgeous seas, vivid jungles and other terrains that are simply breathtaking. The story fits well into the universe and the ending is something nothing short of awesome. I don't want to spoil it though especially due to the shortness. I played it through and went back through it in the same week though. That should speak volumes as I rarely do this with a FPS campaign.

With the “brutal” melee system in place it actually makes it fun to play through a few times. Be stealthy or go in with guns blazing. It's all up to you. The controls are tighter with less dead spot and I personally don't see how they could improve on them. They are perfect in my honest opinion. Keep in mind, I'm not a huge fan of the normal COD layout though. The new cover system does brilliantly and the new slide adds to the adrenalin.

Now, for the heart and obsession I had with killzone 2, we needed a bigger, better multiplayer. This is one reason I've waited a month. There has been continuous issues and patches released. I'm honestly not sure how this happened after the countless hours of beta testing allowed for this game. It is still one of the best out there and is fun to play alone but a true experience to play with a full squad. The problem now is can you get into the games, will you have lag that will ruin the experience, or will you simply be stuck on the same map over and over again. These are issues that we should not be experiencing this late into the game.

I feel GG has let it's fans down in some way after the continuous communication we had during killzone 2. Sure, all games have there bugs/issues but they were resolved. We were told they were being resolved. It is as if the development team has vanished almost completely on the communication side and the patches they have released just cause more issues. The game, when it works, is fun to play. I still do not understand why we do not have custom games but they stated(a while ago) it will be in a patch. I think GG does need to listen to our marksman cloaking being unbalanced with a machine gun. There are some other balance issues that could go into but go to there forums if you want to here all of them.

Biggest thing to take away from this is I'm not bashing Killzone 3. When it works I absolutely love it although I do wish for some tweaks and changes still. I think the fans that still have the game are hoping for this as well. I feel as somewhere since killzone 2 the community matters less and that truly sucks in my opinion. I somewhere still have faith they can turn this around but there is a lot to turn around. Most mentioned above for me, some other issues as modes and the true lack of enough maps on release. I still thought there should have been four to five operation modes but hey, we all buy dlc. It's been a month now and I can sadly say overall I'm disappointed. Frustratingly so as this is one of my favorite FPS franchises. I also felt that the development team that once communicated so well with it's fan base has completely dropped the ball. I'm hoping I can update this one day to a better review but currently I can not. It's been a true stab to the heart of this killzone fan.  

I might shed a tear but overall Killzone 3 gets a 6.5 from me. Possibly a 7 if we had better communication from GG. I'll still be on Vekta hoping they get on the ball and pull this number up higher though.

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