Thursday, February 10, 2011


Sky's a gray today
like time showing
her age or mine
Between steps
off that delicate
line I tried to
keep hidden
keep myself
hidden at all
times under
these days
Stitched lips
and barbed
wire protecting
a emptiness
A flickering
vacancy sign
that I still
lose breath
for, lose my
choke hold
grasp I have
on reality left
Tumbling down
further and
further below

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The ninth, a sign
between rhythms
of lunar moons
Cries between
blood spatter
art falling to
the misty tiles
electric blue
flames firing
that tick, tick
Beat of an
anxious heart
a deep breath
and a muffled
whisper, falling
blade, metal
clank and fluid
runs down the
steal to drop
at last breath

Friday, February 4, 2011


In this hazy state
I'll stay in clouds
where my dreams
hold me, stitch
my skin together
This heartbeat
beats in my
head, counting
once upon a
time or other
meanings of
life I long for
Synapses seem
blocked with
my heart on
you and these
daydreams I
lock myself in
Drips of slight
rainfall keeps
dates and ages
All a watery
blurry vision
I hold onto
cause nothing
nothing is
left here

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Killzone 3 Open Beta Impressions

I went through the sometimes painful but overall enjoyable killzone 3 beta last year. Now I'm happy to see it back even if it's one map. The controls have been tightened, the upgrade system is fantastic and leveling seems very balanced. There are some kinks such as the world full and had a few freezes but overall got in around 4 hours of gameplay.  Graphics are wonderful. I am waiting on the sharp shooter attachment to test out the move though. I can't wait to check it out after hearing some great things though.

I'm loving the weapons, upgrades and it feels just right. Don't get me wrong, I loved kz2 but the controls at a perfect balance. The sound is crystal clear, the music is epic and I feel completely in the world. The controller lag might be gone but you still feel your are there. If this sticks(I'm sure it will) KZ3 will be all I want it to be and then some. Operations mode is fantastic. You really feel you are part of a team, although that might be odd at times in the killzone world. Highly impressed so far.

I was doubtful about the new spawn system but after today I think I finally get it. I also prefer it to the spawn grenades. I think GG made a tough choice but made the right one in the long run. That will need to be tested in all the maps but I'm guessing it's going to be brilliant.

Check in soon with the single player demo.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This 1st has hit me like a ton of fucking bricks. I've been all over the place. I'm not even sure I realized it was February till sometime this afternoon. I swear it felt if someone else's soul was in a cocoon that just busted open. All the splatter of memories and gory details of who I am/was/is. My head is already a swarm of bees this past month so things seem to be progressing I suppose. I can't wait to get this month past me. This is always the time of year there simply is no light to be seen. Where my soul and mind wonder off into an oblivious slumber.