Tuesday, November 23, 2010


People are in there holiday outfits, spending time with loved ones and family. I just hit that cold chill the holidays always brings upon me. A certain sadness mixed with fond memories but more often than not painful ones. As much as it's closer to my weather I hate this time of year. It's as if an apparition of the past comes in and settles right into my soul like it's his/her own. My nose gets cold and I really can't concentrate on anything. Of all the old memories I keep I continually want to drown them out with alcohol. 

At least this year, assuming it lives up to the hype, I'll have gran turismo to take my mind away from things. Anger can easily be controlled by normal times and black ops. Suppose video games is an outlet for me, productive or not, it gets me by. Out of all the passions and dreams stripped from me(or myself) I still have this one. Even music seems to be a fading breathing mechanism for me. 

Just another unproductive, gasp at air rant, from yours truly. Here's to being a realist.

1 comment:

  1. (Yes, I am a nerd and had to delete to fix an error in grammar.)

    I truly hope that whatever you (we) find in the gaming world, or otherwise, that it will help you through these months. Memories are a bitch, a bastard, and a lover all at the same time. You said to me not a week ago that demons will find us. I admit you are correct in that...but there are days, no hours, maybe even just brief moments that still make it all worth while. I thank you for being everything you have been to and for me. I thank you for allowing me to see your seasons, to weather them with you. I thank you for allowing us to share the friendship that we do. Simply, thank you.
