Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rant v0.4

Scattered martyr
between shifts
and colors, pitches
I'll bitch just to
yell at a empty sky
Building crumbling
innocents bleeding
my heart screams
Panic through, shift
and let me hear some
beat of I give a fuck
Lost, broken pictures
from decades ago...
Smear the paint on
the wall, can't type
can't fucking think
because its all your
commercial now, your
dial-tone answers
Let the Rx control
our heart beats and
minds, our minds
so numb, dubstep
rhythms play as tears
hit this wooden floor
Fuck, we are the true
living dead, living
fucking dead
Breathe, 1,2,3,
red white suicide

1 comment:

  1. I love you...remember that, as much as we would like to make the whole world right...we can only make OUR world right...and we have done that...finally...after many years of wrong turns and false smiles...forced feelings to make us believe we were happy...
    NOW...nothing is forced...our smiles and giggles and even the tough spots...are real and we are in them together...wholly and deeply, together.
